My name is Jessica Dewey and I am a STEM Education graduate student in Dr. Anita Schuchardt’s research group at the University of Minnesota. As part of my dissertation research, I am conducting a study to understand people’s experiences of the process of biological research. We have generated a list of aspects associated with biological research, and we want to see if they reflect your experiences. I am recruiting graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty who have experience with the process of biological research to respond to my survey.
There is no requirement to participate in this study, which has been determined to be exempt by the UMN IRB. This survey is voluntary and anonymous. If you do choose to participate, we ask that you complete our Aspects of Biological Research Survey by April 20th, 2021. This survey consists of 4 questions about your research background, 3 questions about your experiences of biological research, 1 sorting activity, and 3 demographic questions. It should not take you more than 15-20 minutes to complete.
Survey link: https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bwL8Y4wTwgqFCU6
We are trying to get representation from as many fields within biology as possible, as well as representation from both biological researchers and biology education researchers. Please distribute this survey to any colleagues that have experience with biological research or any listservs that you may be a part of.
If you have any questions about your participation in this study, please contact Jessica Dewey (dewey060@umn.edu) or Dr. Anita Schuchardt (aschucha@umn.edu).
Thank you for your time!
Jessica Dewey and Anita Schuchardt